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雲卷著雲 A cloud wrapping a cloud 幻化成雲 Turns into a cloud 一聚一散朦朧遮月色 Loosely shrouds the hazy moonlight 雨連著雨 Drizzle after drizzle 輕拂著雨 Gently washing away the rain 涓涓滴滴匯入到江河 Drop by drop trickling into river and sea 我牽著我 I lead myself by the hand 去尋找我 Set out to find myself 緊緊握手 莫要失散了 Clasped tightly and never letting go 我背著我 I bury myself 偷埋藏我 Behind myself 我一個轉身 就把我遺忘 With a turn I leave myself in the past 一隻燒鴨臥海棠 A roast duck plopped atop begonias 機器在大合唱 Machines sing in chorus 那火山肚裏蝴蝶蒸發了 Butterflies evaporate in the belly of the volcano 用最後一度電 I use the last ounce of electricity 我拍了張照片 To take a photograph 親愛的我說一切不算太壞 Hey dear, things could be worse 雲卷著雲 A cloud wrapping a cloud 幻化成雲 Turns into a cloud 一聚一散朦朧遮月色 Loosely shrouds the hazy moonlight 雨連著雨 Drizzle after drizzle 輕拂著雨 Gently washing away the rain 涓涓滴滴匯入到江河 Drop by drop trickling into river and sea Interlude 我閉上雙眼照鏡子 I shut my eyes to look in the mirror 我睜眼看時間 I open my eyes to see the time 在瀑布盡頭世界墜落了 At the waterfall’s end the world is about to fall off 花最後一分錢 I spend my last penny 我寄張明信片 To send a postcard 親愛的我說一切不算太壞 Hey dear, things could be worse 我牽著我 I lead myself by the hand 去尋找我 Set out to find myself 緊緊握手 莫要失散了 Clasped tightly and never letting go 我背著我 I bury myself 偷埋藏我 Behind myself 我一個轉身 就把我遺忘 With a turn I leave myself in the past 我一個轉身 就把我遺忘 With a turn I leave myself in the past 我一個轉身 就把我遺忘 With a turn I leave myself in the past
Reset 04:48
嗨呀~ 腳步匆匆 Hey-ah ~ your footsteps are hurried 嗨呀~ 四海滄滄 Hey-ah ~ the ocean is vast 夢想是顆隱隱作痛的牙齒 Your dream is like a mild toothache 撩撥著一隻混在羊群裏的鹿 Teasing a deer among a flock of sheep 嗨呀~ 心裏空空 Hey-ah ~ your heart feels empty 清早醒來 Wake up at daybreak 空氣有些粘稠 Air is a little sticky 依稀的興奮 Tinge of excitement 攔不住的念頭 Can’t stop the thought 按照習慣走出門 Habitually walk out the door 打車向左 地鐵往右 Taxis on the left, metro on the right 速度平移中思前想後 Pondering past and future in this monotonous commute 來是春風 去是秋風 Here comes the spring wind, there goes the autumn wind 晴也昏昏 雨也渾渾 Sunny days sleepy, raining days woozy 努力想起密碼它已換了十八次 Trying to recall a password that has changed 18 times 必須包含數字和大寫小寫字母 Must contain numbers and uppercase and lowercase letters 重重疊疊的空白窗口 Layers upon layers of blank windows 堆在我的屏幕 一個一個關閉 Piled up on my screen; I close them one at a time 剎那間我啟動了初始化按鈕 And suddenly click the reset button 夢裏你問我還在等什麼 In my dream you asked “what are you waiting for?” 不如就從今天開始尋找我的flow Maybe it’s today that I start looking for my flow 砸碎這裡的哪一扇窗 看得見海? Smash which one of these windows, would you see the sea? 心情偷偷告訴哪個角落 會有回聲? Whisper to which corner, would you hear an echo? 競技場大馬戲團 你扮演誰? In the grand arena and big circus, who are you playing? 趁著沒人注意 開始奔跑 Why don’t you start running, while no one’s watching? 嗨呀~ 腳步匆匆 Hey-ah ~ your footsteps are hurried 嗨呀~ 四海滄滄 Hey-ah ~ the ocean is vast 夢想是顆隱隱作痛的牙齒 Your dream is like a mild toothache 撩撥著一隻混在羊群裏的鹿 Teasing a deer among a flock of sheep 嗨呀~ 心裏空空 Hey-ah ~ your heart feels empty 進可攻退可守安全地帶 生命沉睡 Patrolling your safe zone, life is sound asleep 只要說服自己一直裝睡 就無需面對 Keep your eyes shut, there’s no need to face the world 流光容易把人拋 又添一歲 Easily abandoned by time, we grow a year older 最初始的意義 漸漸醒來 But the original settings start to awaken in you 嗨呀~ 低頭趕路 Hey-ah ~ hurry on with your head down 嗨呀~ 天地遼闊 Hey-ah ~ the world is vast 夢想是顆隱隱作痛的牙齒 Your dream is like a mild toothache 而你是一隻混在羊群裏的鹿 And you are a deer among a flock of sheep 嗨呀~ 别再犹豫 Hey-ah ~ Stop hesitating 開始奔跑 Start running
Queen's Bath 03:15
沒屋頂的宮殿 A palace without a roof 交錯的光線 Stands in the criss crossing light 閃爍在瓦礫 Shimmering in the rubble 藍色玻璃 Is a piece of blue glass 為我修的溫泉 The bath that was built for me 風沙來遮掩 Covered by sand that the wind brings 斷壁殘垣 Among the ruins 紅色蜥蜴 Patrols a red Lizard 城外 Outside the city 廣場樹下面 In the plaza under the tree 彈胡琴的人不見 The lute player is nowhere to be seen 但留詩篇 But his poems remain 城內 Inside the city 愛的文物陳列著 Artifacts of love are on display 我送你的酒未喝 The wine I gave you was undrunk 瓶成瑰寶 But the bottle becomes a treasure
Listen 03:49
聽 聽森林睡去時的聲音 Listen, listen to the sound of the forest falling asleep 好像是ah-yi-oh-ay 哈欠連天太疲倦 Sounds like an exhausted yawn “ah-yi-oh-ay” 聽 聽河流改道時的聲音 Listen, listen to the sound of the river turning 好像是百轉千回情非得已才氾濫 Weaving back and forth out of control like it has nowhere to go 昨天夜裡 海底世界 Last night under the sea 通宵開了個代表大會 An overnight congress took place 珊瑚工會 士氣低落 The coral union with low morale 神情沮喪 準備撤退 Looked dejected and was ready to retreat 海馬代表 動之以情 The seahorse reps made an emotional appeal: 珊瑚請你堅持一下 “Hey, coral, hang on a bit! 讓我們團結起來再給人類一次機會 “Let us unite to give humans one more chance” Interlude 聽 聽蜜蜂重返時的聲音 Listen, listen to the sound of bees returning to flowers 好像是風塵僕僕捨不得花兒的有情人 Like weary travelers reuniting with a long separated lover 聽 聽狼群歸來時的聲音 Listen, listen to the sound of the wolf gangs return 好像是月亮出來寂寞難耐唱搖滾 You know they have to have a rock concert when it’s the full moon 昨天夜裡 海底世界 Last night under the sea 通宵開了個代表大會 An overnight congress took place 珊瑚工會 士氣低落 The coral union with low morale 神情沮喪 準備撤退 Looked dejected and was ready to retreat 海馬代表 動之以情 The seahorse reps made an emotional appeal: 珊瑚請你堅持一下 “Hey, coral, hang on a bit! 讓我們團結起來再給人類一次機會 “Let us unite to give humans one more chance”
Joke 03:33
一夜無夢 A dreamless night 天空星稀 A starless sky 晨靄散去 Morning mist dispersed 心中靜謐 A heart that is quiet 露珠一滴 Like a dew drop 攀過玻璃 Climbs over glass 漫遊思緒 My roaming thoughts 將時空挪移 Shift time and space 一個人 One soul 忘一座城 Leaves behind one town 一轉身 One turn 虛擲乾坤 Tosses away one’s fate 一扇門 One door 一種理論 One theory 悲喜不分 The sorrows and joys disregarded 是非不問 Right or wrong don’t ask 小說未讀至最後一頁 Before reaching the last page of the story 結局已了解 You know how it’s gonna end 在頁邊白 In the white margin 留個笑話 Leave a joke 給明天的你 For tomorrow’s you 再遇見自己 To meet yourself again 一夜無夢 A dreamless night 天空星稀 A starless sky 晨靄散去 Morning mist dispersed 心中靜謐 A heart that is quiet 露珠一滴 Like a dew drop 攀過玻璃 Climbs over glass 漫遊思緒 My roaming thoughts 將時空挪移 Shift time and space 一個人 One soul 忘一座城 Leaves behind one town 一轉身 One turn 虛擲乾坤 Tosses away one’s fate 一扇門 One door 一種理論 One theory 悲喜不分 The sorrows and joys disregarded 是非不問 Right or wrong don’t ask
八月的世界邏輯簡單 The logic of August is simple 蝴蝶只有 Butterflies only have 三天時間 Three days to live 大腿上印著涼蓆一片 The pattern of the bamboo mat imprinted on my thigh 是我給你的謎語 Is a riddle for you 一個人佔領公園長椅 Sitting on a park bench 豎起耳朵 My ears prick up 尋找意義 To look for meaning 白熱的影子就是答案 The flickering shadow is the answer 口袋裡有一把隱形鑰匙 Inside the pocket there’s an invisible key 路邊綠郵筒越來越寂寞 The roadside green mailboxes get lonelier by the day 十個夏天的藍墨水蒸發了啊 Ten summers of blue ink evaporated (ah) 粘乎乎的手需要一瓶冰鎮可樂 My sticky hands need an iced bottle of cola 螞蟻一生能啃幾塊西瓜皮 How many pieces of watermelon rind can an ant chew in its lifetime? Bong ba bi li ba la bong Bong ba bi li ba la bong ba bi li ba la bong ba bi li ba la bong ba bi li ba la bong,bong! ba bi li ba la bong, bong! Bong,ba bi li ba la bong Bong, ba bi li ba la bong ba bi li ba la bong ba bi li ba la bong Bi li ba la bong! Bi li ba la bong! Interlude 路邊綠郵筒越來越寂寞 The roadside green mailboxes get lonelier by the day 十個夏天的藍墨水蒸發了啊 Ten summers of blue ink evaporated (ah) 粘乎乎的手需要一瓶冰鎮可樂 My sticky hands need an iced bottle of cola 螞蟻一生能啃幾塊西瓜皮 How many pieces of watermelon rind can an ant chew in its lifetime? 八月的世界邏輯簡單 The logic of August is simple 蝴蝶只有 Butterflies only have 三天時間 Three days to live 大腿上印著涼蓆一片 The pattern of the bamboo mat imprinted on my thigh 是我給你的謎語 Is a riddle for you 一個人佔領公園長椅 Sitting on a park bench 豎起耳朵 My ears prick up 尋找意義 To look for meaning 白熱的影子就是答案 The flickering shadow is the answer 口袋裡有一把隱形鑰匙 Inside the pocket there’s an invisible key
雪從天堂溜走 A snowflake escapes from heaven 飄在熱絡繁華街頭 Floats down to the warm bustling streets 純淨在手心融化 Purity melts in my palm 風和花的邂逅 A chance encounter of wind and flowers 畫下種子的符咒 Casts a spell of seeds 長冬裡參透自由 It takes a long winter for them to learn to be free 用舊信體溫 Let the warmth of old letters 安撫夜的手 Appease the hands of night 世界曾經寧靜 The world was once peaceful 柔軟一盞燈 A soft light 照亮心上塵 Illuminates the dust on the heart 都化作淺斟低吟 Everything becomes a sip and a sigh 箭從弦上出發 An arrow leaves the bow 飛在縱橫兩個方向 Flying in vertical and horizontal directions 重疊又振盪錯開 Overlap, oscillate, and diverge 沒跳完的探戈 An unfinished tango 讓留聲機永恆回眸 Keeps the phonograph forever turning its head 誰又在借酒消愁 Who once again drinks to forget? 我一聲長嘆 With a long sigh 身體就像風透過窗 Like the wind passing through the window 搖搖又晃晃 My body shakes 奏響毛孔裡每個鈴鐺 Like a chime with every pore ringing 風和花的邂逅 A chance encounter of wind and flowers 畫下種子的符咒 Casts a spell of seeds 長冬裡參透自由 It takes a long winter for them to learn to be free 長冬裡參透自由 It takes a long winter for them to learn to be free
列車在顛簸 The train is jittery 那引擎轟鳴 The engine is roaring 疲倦卻別有種輕盈 Tired but light hearted 彷彿那平日形影不離的懶意 At least I can justify my everyday weariness 奔跑著有了道理 When I’m on the road 霓虹在閃爍 Neon signs flashing 我目不識丁 I can’t read a thing 陌生卻別有種暖意 Unfamiliar but warm 彷彿這花花世界與我的疏離 At least I can blame this alienating world 只是因為語言的關係 Simply on the language barrier 像海邊沙一樣健忘 Like the absent-minded seaside sand 千重浪花 A thousand waves 恣意徜徉 Recklessly wander 誰留戀鏡中舊模樣 Who cares about how you used to look in the mirror 今朝何夕早遺忘 I’ve forgotten what day tonight is Interlude 和蒲公英一起幻想 Fantasizing with the dandelion puffs 減輕行囊 Lightening my luggage 等待飛翔 Waiting to fly 讓風吹散一身塵網 Let the wind blow away all the dust 我來不及太倔強 There’s no time to be stubborn 沒法托運的是一副搖晃的心腸 Cannot check in my uneasy heart 何需安放多動的腳掌 Why do I need to stow away my restless feet? 盡情流動我這一副酸酸的肩膀 Let my sore shoulders roll 就要拍響發麻的手掌 I’m gonna clap my numb hands 像海邊沙一樣健忘 Like the absent-minded seaside sand 千重浪花 A thousand waves 恣意徜徉 Recklessly wander 誰留戀鏡中舊模樣 Who cares about how you used to look in the mirror 今朝何夕早遺忘 I’ve forgotten what day tonight is 列車在顛簸 The train is jittery 那引擎轟鳴 The engine is roaring 疲倦卻別有種輕盈 Tired but light hearted 彷彿那平日形影不離的懶意 At least I can justify my everyday weariness 奔跑著有了道理 When I’m on the road 霓虹在閃爍 Neon signs flashing 我目不識丁 I can’t read a thing 陌生卻別有種暖意 Unfamiliar but warm 彷彿這花花世界與我的疏離 At least I can blame this alienating world 只是因為語言的關係 Simply on the language barrier
牛不願意吃草 A cow doesn’t want to eat grass 它也不願吃飼料 Nor does it want to eat feed 它一天到晚只想吃雪糕 It only wants to have ice cream all day long 魚不相信馬會跑 A fish doesn’t believe horses can run 貓的祈禱太潦草 A cat says an insincere prayer 豬要自我放逐到孤島 A pig wants to exile itself to a deserted island 你說我讓你很沮喪 You say I make you gloomy 他也讓你很失望 And he has let you down 世界一派無聊和荒唐 The world is pointless and absurd 上舞台時太緊張 Nervous getting on stage 下地鐵時太徬徨 Anxious getting off the subway 臥室門口畫了條邊疆 You draw a border at the bedroom door 我說傻瓜 I say, little fool 只有在夜裡才能看煙花 Only at night can you see the fireworks 全都是煙花就像核爆炸 Too many fireworks will look like a nuclear explosion 嗶哩叭啦 Bili Bala 人生很大 Life is large 要張牙舞爪才能畫滿它 Need to be brave to paint it full 要大聲呼喊它才會回答 Need to shout out loud for it to respond 咿呀咿呀 Yiya Yiya 牛不願意吃草 A cow doesn’t want to eat grass 它也不願吃飼料 Nor does it want to eat feed 它一天到晚只想吃雪糕 It only wants to have ice cream all day long 魚不相信馬會跑 A fish doesn’t believe horses can run 貓的祈禱太潦草 A cat says an insincere prayer 豬要自我放逐到孤島 A pig wants to exile itself to a deserted island Scat 我說傻瓜 I say, little fool 藐視的眼睛看不見彩霞 Rolling eyes will miss the colorful clouds 溫柔的呢喃就在一霎那 Their tender murmur only appears in a flash 滴答滴答 Dida Dida 白駒過隙 How time flies 輕巧的影子都在跳舞啊 Airy shadows are dancing ah 莫等千帆過盡才懷念它 Don’t wait for things to pass by to cherish them 唉呀唉呀 Aiya Aiya 牛不願意吃草 A cow doesn’t want to eat grass 它也不願吃飼料 Nor does it want to eat feed 它一天到晚只想吃雪糕 It only wants to have ice cream all day long 魚不相信馬會跑 A fish doesn’t believe horses can run 貓的祈禱太潦草 A cat says an insincere prayer 豬要自我放逐到孤島 A pig wants to exile itself to a deserted island
Joy 03:56
滾燙的天際 A burning skyline 秋光在淪陷 Autumn light is fading 晚霞是玫瑰的煙火 Sunset is a fireworks show for the roses 沉默的屋簷 Silent eaves 低垂的眼簾 Like drooping eyelids 守護著夜鶯的彼岸 Guarding the other side for the nightingales 陌生的街道 Unfamiliar streets 熟悉的旅館 A familiar guest house 石榴是累積的櫻桃 A pomegranate contains a thousand cherries 流年杯中瀲 All the years gather in a glass 倒映出世界 Reflecting the world 嘆一聲漣漪上心田 A sigh ripples on the heart 啊 抬起頭 Ah looking up 睜開我的雙眼 Opening my eyes 就讓時光輕輕撫慰我的臉 Let time gently soothe my face 啊 張開手 Ah opening my arms 擁抱這個瞬間 Embrace this moment 就讓回憶淡淡畫出你的眼 Let memory faintly draw your eyes Raki旋轉舞 Raki whirling dance 咖啡來占卜 Coffee divination 角落中烏德琴悉瑟 An oud playing in the corner 下顎分明暗 Jawline separates light from darkness 肩膀劃弧線 Shoulders draw an arc 隨琴聲重放舊影片 With music an old movie starts to play 銀墜已發黑 Silver pendant has turned black 黑髮漸變灰 Black hair is turning grey 披肩是重逢的擁抱 Shawl is a reuniting embrace 溫暖如當年 Warm as that year 逆光的笑臉 A backlit smile 人群中喜悅的遇見 The joy of meeting in the crowd 啊 抬起頭 Ah looking up 睜開我的雙眼 Opening my eyes 就讓時光輕輕撫慰我的臉 Let time gently soothe my face 啊 張開手 Ah opening my arms 擁抱這個瞬間 Embrace this moment 就讓回憶淡淡畫出你的眼 Let memory faintly draw your eyes Hey-oh-yi-ha-yi-oh Hey-oh-yi-ha-yi-oh Hey-oh-yi-ha-yi-oh-yi
Song Bie 02:48
長亭外,古道邊 Outside the long pavilion, along the ancient road 芳草碧連天 Fragrant green grass joins the sky 晚風拂柳笛聲殘 The evening wind caresses, the bamboo flute wails 夕陽山外山 Sunset over the mountains 天之涯,地之角 At the edge of the sky, at the corners of the earth 知交半零落 My close friends are scattered 一瓢濁酒盡餘歡 One more ladle of wine to exhaust the happiness that remains 今宵别夢寒 Don't have any cold dreams tonight


Life Elsewhere is a collaborative release from the electronic group Shanghai Restoration Project and jazz vocalist Zhang Le. This playful collaboration weaves together jazz, electronica, samba, bossa nova, world music, and Chinese Taoist philosophy.


released August 12, 2016

Shanghai Restoration Project & Zhang Le
Life Elsewhere (她鄉)

Produced by Dave Liang & Sun Yunfan

01 There and Then (一瞬)
02 Illusion of Me (非彼無我)
03 Reset (初始化)
04 Queen's Bath (皇后的溫泉)
05 Listen (聽)
06 Joke (笑話)
07 Guide to August (八月指南)
08 Unfinished Tango (沒跳完的探戈)
09 Restless Feet (多動的腳掌)
10 Song for Ally (給艾麗的歌)
11 Joy (喜悅)
12 Song Bie (送別)

All songs written by Dave Liang, Sun Yunfan, & Zhang Le with the exception of:
“Joy,” “Song for Ally,” and “Unfinished Tango” by Sun Yunfan & Zhang Le
“There and Then” and “Illusion of Me” by Sun Yunfan & Dave Liang
“Song Bie” by John P. Ordway and Li Shutong

Vocals by Zhang Le recorded at:
Degraw Sound, Brooklyn, NY (Engineer: Gian Stone)
Wombat Studios, Brooklyn, NY (Engineer: Ross Bonadonna)

Spoken word on “Reset” by Dave Liang recorded at:
Undercover Culture Music, Brooklyn, NY (Engineer: Sun Yunfan)

Piano by Dave Liang recorded at:
Peter Karl Studios, Brooklyn, NY (Engineer: Peter Karl)

Trumpet by Jon Liang recorded at:
District Recording Studios, San Jose, CA (Engineer: Ryan Perras)

Jazz Guitar by Zhang Xiongguan recorded at:
Jay-Z School, Shanghai, China (Engineer: Austin Hu)

Clarinet by Dan Levinson recorded at:
Peter Karl Studios, Brooklyn, NY (Engineer: Peter Karl)

Kanjira and Morsing by Pirashanna Thevarajah recorded at:
Wombat Studios, Brooklyn, NY (Engineer: Ross Bonadonna)

Acoustic Guitar by Takahiro Morooka recorded at:
Pimo Studios, Brooklyn, NY (Engineer: Takahiro Morooka)

All other instrumentation, drum programming, and arrangements by Dave Liang & Sun Yunfan

Mixing by Dave Liang

Mastered by Nathan James at Vault Mastering Studios, Phoenix, AZ

Cover art & package design by Sun Yunfan

English translation of lyrics by Dave Liang, Zhang Le & Sun Yunfan


all rights reserved



Shanghai Restoration Project Barcelona, Spain

Shanghai Restoration Project (SRP) is the Barcelona based electronic duo of Dave Liang and Sun Yunfan. SRP’s genre-bending, border-traversing, retro-futuristic soundscape often uses poetic melodies to draw audiences into imaginary settings where unexpected adventures unfold with a dissonant and polyrhythmic palette. ... more

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